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Cavalor VitaFlora

Cavalor VitaFlora

€87,50Inkl. moms

Supplement for good gut health and good feed conversion
Prevents excess acid in the bowel and promotes balanced gut flora Läs mer..

Delivery time 2-3 weeks
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Cavalor VitaFlora contains pre- and probiotics to rebalance the microflora in the bowel and stimulate health from the inside out. A regimen of Cavalor VitaFlora is recommended after a competition season to give the gut a health boost.

Cavalor Vitaflora is also designed for horses that suffer from unexplained emaciation or inconsistent excretion. Vitaflora is also highly recommended after the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics do not only kill “bad” bacteria, they also eliminate some “good” bacteria from the microbiome

Cavalor Vitaflora contains prebiotics (inulin) and probiotics (yeasts) that support microflora. Live yeasts support hindgut bacteria and help to prevent acidification there.

They improve the digestion of fibre, absorption of minerals, and production of B vitamins. Inulin is a prebiotic that stimulates the proper development of the microflora. The better the development of good bacteria, the less chance bad bacteria has to grow.

How to use:
Foals: 15 g per day
Gestating or lactating mares: 45 g per day
Ponies and horses: 30 g per day
Maximum 100 g per day per horse


de VriesPublicerades den 28 Februari 2024 at 10:31

Paard wilde het niet eten, ook niet door de slobber. In een spuit met water opgelost ging het wel naar binnen en het lijkt nu wel te helpen.



1 review
de VriesPublicerades den 28 Februari 2024 at 10:31

Paard wilde het niet eten, ook niet door de slobber. In een spuit met water opgelost ging het wel naar binnen en het lijkt nu wel te helpen.

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Online and in-store prices may differ
Last updated: Today at 11:09

Review Cavalor VitaFlora

Supplement for good gut health and good feed conversion
Prevents excess acid in the bowel and promo..

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