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7K Something Steer Dummy
7K Something Steer Dummy
7K Something Steer Dummy
7K Something Steer Dummy
7K Something Steer Dummy
7K Something Steer Dummy

7K Something Steer Dummy

€649,00IVA Incl.

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Delivery time 3-4 business days
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Descrizione del prodotto

The Something Dummy is the best heading practice ground dummy on the market. It’s the perfect height with the most anatomically correct head, horns and body.  Not too high-horned or too low headed and not too fat.  Something offers the most realistic heading practice angle from the ground or when combined with the Something Sled.

Comes with medium horns and long horns and also has nubs for super short horn, muley, or calf roping practice. Each horns can be adjusted to 6 different positions. Long horns are 34” tip to tip. Short horns are 28” tip to tip. Without the horns, the nubs measure 13” across. Slotted horn sockets prevent horns from rotating or falling out. Includes:
One set of medium DuraHornsOne set of long DuraHornsAuthentic horn wrap (colors vary).

Balanced handle and sleek design leaves more room in your truck, trailer, tackbox, etc. Spread footing design gives Something a lower center of gravity making it stable but slighter lighter and more portable than other dummies. Correct head and horn height so the tip of your loop won’t hit the ground.

Made of solid, durable LDPE construction that is weather and fade resistant. 

Compatible with the Calf Sled!





Something Steer Dummy

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