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Solar Spot Cream
Solar Spot Cream

Solar Spot Cream

€17,95IVA Incl.

SPF 30, volume 150ml Per saperne di più..

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Descrizione del prodotto

BR Solar Spot Cream protects and treats the unpigmented parts of the skin, in particular on the head, nose and around the horse???s eyes. The water proof cream supports the recuperating power of the skin and takes care of healthy cells and tissues. It also prevents development of blisters in the case of a red and sensitive skin.
Instructions for use: We advise to generously apply the protective cream several times a day as a precaution for horses that have had long-time exposure to sun, wind or fierce cold on the respective places.
SPF 30, volume 150ml



Solar Spot Cream

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SPF 30, volume 150ml

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