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TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30
TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30
TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30
TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30
TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30
TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30

TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30

€269,95IVA Incl.

Test cinch size 30! Per saperne di più..

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Descrizione del prodotto

Shoulder Relief Cinch™ test cinch with soft limestone neoprene or wool is the ideal girth for horses:

  • To move broadly, not only forward but also sideways (e.g., in spin or side-pass).
  • Who are prone to chafing around the elbow.
  • Where the cinch  lies far forward because of the horse's build, which also pulls a well-fitting saddle forward.

    The test girth does not yet have a balance buckle like the original version but gives you a good idea whether the girth is also a solution for your horse.

The Shoulder Relief Cinch™ actually changes the position and angle of the billets to prevent the saddle tree from interfering with the shoulder. 

The center of the cinch is set forward to sit in the horse’s natural girth groove, while the sides of the cinch are cut back to meet the latigos 2 inches behind where the horse’s natural girth groove lies. This brings the latigos from angling forward, to becoming perpendicular to the ground, which reduces the saddle’s tendency to be pulled forward into the shoulders. With horses that have shoulder interference without angled latigos, it simply moves the latigos back to keep the saddle away from the shoulders' range of motion.

The secondary benefit to this shape, is the cutback at the elbows. This gives more room for elbow movement as well, and prevents galls in the elbow area.

The original saddle fit cinch comes with the following features:

  • Patent pending design.
  • Stainless steel roller buckle.
  • Top grade saddlery leather body with stainless steel hardware.
  • Velcro backing for adhering to the removable liner. 





TEST Shoulder Relief Cinch size 30

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Test cinch size 30!

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