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Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties
Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties

Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties

€42,95IVA Incl.

Trailer tie, a little over 70 cm. Per saperne di più..

Delivery time 3-4 business days
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Descrizione del prodotto

This short trailer tie, a little over 70 cm long, made with a ½ inch rope, with a thumb trigger bull snap on one end and a panic snap on the other. These are best for trailers that have the tie loops at manger level. People use these in their trailers, in their barns, and in their arenas. And recently, people have realized they work well attached to the Paul Lynch Cross-ties.

All rope is not the same. First, the rope is made of polyester, not nylon, so it is less abrasive than most ropes, which means it doesn’t “bite” your hands like other ropes do. Second, it doesn’t “lock up” when a horse pulls back on it – likely because it is a hollow braid rope. Third, it’s lightweight and extremely strong, with an 8000 pound test weight on the ½” diameter rope. Lastly, if you have horses that chew up ropes, while this rope is not indestructible, We’ve never seen a more durable rope. Each rope is hand spliced, the same way rigging is done, which is far better than metal clamps commonly used in ropes manufactured in China and India (where most ropes are manufactured).

Euro-Horse is proud to sell the ropes by Paul Lynch in Europe!
Paul started 12 years ago and began from a horse hauling business with the hope that other horse people would like the ropes as much as he did. '' I’m happy to say that the feedback at the shows year after year has been better than I could have hoped for. What I have found to be the hardest task, is getting people to try the ropes for the first time. But I estimate 90% of people who do try them love them, and buy them again. These are professional grade ropes that are ideal for people who train their own horses or are closely involved in their horse’s training. If you are serious about horsemanship, and getting the most out of your horse, you will see a difference in these ropes, and you will love that difference. It will make these your favorite ropes, and the ones that you grab time after time!''



Short Trailer Ties

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Review Brute Ropes Short Trailer Ties

Trailer tie, a little over 70 cm.

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