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Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind
Classic Equine Flexion Hind

Classic Equine Flexion Hind

€124,95IVA Incl.

Available in different sizes and colors. Per saperne di più..

Delivery Time 3-4 business days
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Descrizione del prodotto

Flexion by Legacy

  • Made of 100% virgin neoprene that provides four-way stretch for ultimate flexibility
  • Suspensory rib ensures proper boot alignment
  • Perforated body allows heat to escape and the leg to breathe
  • Shock absorbing splint pad guards againstcrossfire and other scalping injuries
  • Hook-and-loop closures with elastic reinforcement provide exceptional grip and durability
  • Soft lycra inner layer cleans easily and dries quickly
  • Exclusive Cradle Fetlock System provides maximum support to the fetlock
  • Flexion technology has extended stretch, ensuring a close, comfortable fi t that is UV, impact and wear resistant
  • Bound edges help keep out dirt and debris

Flexion technology provides individual abrasive resistant cells on the Fetlock Cradle System with impact and wear protection never before seen in the equine leg protection space. Each
Flexion cell can move and stretch individually, creating a fl ush, secure fit when wrapping the cradle around the horse???s leg. The same design provides suspensory support without inhibiting movement, reinforcing the horse???s natural motion while protecting the critical structures of the leg using nature???s design.



Flexion Hind

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Last updated: Today at 20:59

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Available in different sizes and colors.

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