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Cavalor Derma Wash
Cavalor Derma Wash
Cavalor Derma Wash
Cavalor Derma Wash

Cavalor Derma Wash

€21,50Taxes incluses

Cavalor Derma Wash nettoie la peau et élimine bactéries, virus et mycoses. Maintient l’élasticité de la peau. Conditionnement : bouteille de 500 ml. Lire plus..

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Description du produit

Cavalor Derma Wash is a hygienic chlorhexidine-based shampoo used to wash horses with flaky skin, dull coats or skin conditions. This innovative shampoo actively stimulates natural healing of the skin by promoting beneficial bacteria. Unlike traditional disinfectants, it creates a protective layer of beneficial bacteria that promotes resilience and recovery. It is also the ideal shampoo to wash horses new to the stable to prevent infections.

Cavalor Derma Wash and Derma Spray are pH neutral. Unlike our skin, which has a natural acidity of 4.0 - 5.5, the optimal pH of the horse's skin is 7.0 - 7.4. When we use products with a low pH (e.g., shampoos for humans), moisture is absorbed from the skin and results in dry, flaky skin. Means with a high pH (e.g. strong cleansers) will absorb the natural sebum making the skin prone to infections. The addition of pre- and probiotics to the formula not only cleanses and cleanses the skin, but also has protective functions against itching and irritation. As shown with the Derma Spray, pre- and probiotics have properties that improve skin health.

In addition, Cavalor Derma Wash is enriched with glycerin. This will ensure that the skin is moisturized and the coat will shine

Chlorhexidine is an excellent disinfectant and inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi. In addition, you can also use Dermawash as a substitute for your detergent to disinfect blankets and rugs.

What can you use Dermawash for:
1. Shampoo for skin conditions, cleanses the skin and kills bacteria, viruses and fungi
2. Disinfecting & cleaning wounds (for example with mug)
3. Cleaning the tubes of geldings & stallions
4. Disinfecting your tack, blankets, brushes & leg protection

ps.Remember that the coat is the mirror of your horse's internal health. A dull coat can be caused by a problem inside that prevents nutrients from being utilized to their full potential.



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Derma Wash

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Cavalor Derma Wash nettoie la peau et élimine bactéries, virus et mycoses. Maintient l’élastici..

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