Scarf made of the finest 100% 12 MM Satin Silk. Size 88.9 cm x 88.9 cm (35''x 35''). Lesen Sie mehr..
The Santa Fe, another great jewel tone Wild Rag that is great for guys or girls. This 35" x 35" Long-Tall Wild Rag is 100% 12mm satin silk. The Santa Fe has layers upon layers of aztec-like imagery, giving this scarf a very 3-dimensional look and feel. The various earth tones will give you endless options when wearing.
Tips: Wrap this Long-Tall around twice and tie a knot or tie it in a bow, or wrap once and leave big and flowing for some drama. Also, this scarf looks great as a belt or tied on a handbag. Just have fun and "...tie one on!"
Scarf made of the finest 100% 12 MM Satin Silk. Size 88.9 cm x 88.9 cm (35''x 35'').
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