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Hi Gloss Finishing Spray

Hi Gloss Finishing Spray

€39,95Inkl. MwSt.

Hi Gloss has a light strawberry fragrance and is available in a 12 oz aerosol can. Lesen Sie mehr..

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Hi Gloss is a light, oil based spray perfect for defining muscles and dramatically highlighting features. It adds superior shine and luster in seconds. Hi Gloss also conditions hair as well as adding incredible shine to the horse’s coat, mane and tail.

"For sheer show-ring glow, we don’t think you can beat Shapley’s Hi Gloss Finishing Spray. This aerosol-based spray is perfect for just before you enter the ring and our top pick."

Hi Gloss is excellent for adding dramatic shine just prior to entering the show ring. It accentuates all colors of horses. If used as part of a daily grooming routine it will keep skin and hair supple and conditioned.

Hi Gloss spray is easy to use. Hold the aerosol can 12 inches from horse and spray a light, even coat. You can also spray on a towel to gently wipe on horse’s head to accentuate eyes, nostrils and ears. Spray lightly throughout tail to give it depth and highlights to catch and reflect light.

Helpful Hints:

  • Spray hair evenly from a distance of 8-12 inches.
  • Applying many light coats of Hi Gloss and allowing to dry between applications will give better results that one heavy application.
  • Avoid spraying mane or tail hair to be braided or banded.
  • Spray Hi Gloss on your hands or a towel to apply to horse’s face, ears or around eyes.
  • Bring a towel with you to give one final wipe on the horse before heading into the ring to remove any last minute dust that may have been attracted by the light oil finishing spray.
  • Hi Gloss makes a great conditioner of dry or damaged hair if used regularly.



Hi Gloss Finishing Spray

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Review Hi Gloss Finishing Spray

Hi Gloss has a light strawberry fragrance and is available in a 12 oz aerosol can.

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