The width is 5/8 '' (1,588cm) and approximately 102 '' (259 cm) long. Lesen Sie mehr..
A beautifully handmade Mecate.
The width is 5/8 '' and the rein is approximately 102 '' long.
MFG Rawhides Mecates are hand twisted four-and-six strand tail and mane hair ropes. All the hair is washed and separated by color (only about 10-15% are white, which adds the contrasting color for so many of our Mecates) and then twisted into individual strands. And then twisted again to form the finished Mecate of four-and-six strands.
Carrying on the California tradition that started in the days of the Spanish Vaquero (cowboy) is part of Rawhide business.
The width is 5/8 '' (1,588cm) and approximately 102 '' (259 cm) long.
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