The ideal halter for a smaller, finer narrower head. Comparable to a size Cob. One size smaller than the Average Halter we also sell. Lesen Sie mehr..
Made for superior performance, these premium nylon halters feature a triple-ply nylon cheek design.
Adjustable chin and throat snap halter. Box-stitched stress points for added strength and a rolled throat. Durable brass plated hardware. The snaps are looped- on for easy replacement.
Leadropes in the same colors are available.
Width: 1''
Crown: 17-1/2'' - 21 -1/2''
Nose: 10''
Cheek: 7''
Throat: 16''
Chin: 9 3/4'' - 10 1/4''
The ideal halter for a smaller, finer narrower head. Comparable to a size Cob. One size smaller than..
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