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Cavalor Dry feet Natural
Cavalor Dry feet Natural
Cavalor Dry feet Natural

Cavalor Dry feet Natural

€25,00Inkl. MwSt.

Verpackung: 250-ml-Flasche. Lesen Sie mehr..

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An easy to use, highly effective spray to keep the sole dry and avoid thrush.

Cavalor Dry Feet has a natural formula with pre- and probiotics. It protects the sole and frog with beneficial microflora and actively supports the hoof's natural defences.

Veterinary surgeons, farriers, grooms, and riders worldwide use this product to treat the soft areas of equine hooves. Cavalor Dry Feet has a new formula that is 100% natural and contains a combination of good bacteria (probiotics) and the prebiotic inulin.

Inulin stimulates the formula's probiotic activity as well as the beneficial microorganisms already present on the hoof. Together, they colonise the entire hoof surface, which minimises the presence of bacteria that cause thrush.

The pre- and probiotics in Cavalor Dry Feet are selected specifically on the basis of the natural microflora present on the hoof. Cavalor Dry Feet helps to strengthen the good bacteria on the hoof to resist any invaders. The frog and sole of the hoof become stronger and healthier.

To treat soft frogs or soles: Apply twice daily to the cleaned hoof, or use preventively twice a week to keep frogs and soles healthy.

Warning: For external use only.


Gabriella van DijkVeröffentlicht am 18 Dezember 2024 at 21:51

Met vijf paarden probeer ik om alle hoeven zelf goed te onderhouden, dit scheelt enorm in de kosten/tijd voor de hoefsmid! Na het vrijmaken van de straal spuit ik er DryFeet op, wat de stralen perfect mooi hard maakt. Enige nadeel vind ik de wat onprettige geur, maar who cares? Het helpt!


Dry feet Natural

1 Bewertung
Gabriella van DijkVeröffentlicht am 18 Dezember 2024 at 21:51

Met vijf paarden probeer ik om alle hoeven zelf goed te onderhouden, dit scheelt enorm in de kosten/tijd voor de hoefsmid! Na het vrijmaken van de straal spuit ik er DryFeet op, wat de stralen perfect mooi hard maakt. Enige nadeel vind ik de wat onprettige geur, maar who cares? Het helpt!

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Review Cavalor Dry feet Natural

Verpackung: 250-ml-Flasche.

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