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Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo
Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo

Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo

€157,00Inkl. MwSt.

Box with 6 syringes of 60cc Lesen Sie mehr..

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Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo opens airways and supports capillary elasticity and resilience during intensive training or competition. Poor respiratory function is a common reason why sport horses sometimes just can't perform their best.

The efficient transport of oxygen is crucial for top performance. Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo has been developed for the optimal maintenance of the lungs and airways. It improves blood vessel elasticity and resilience and promotes respiration. This effect has been observed in a clinical test on active racehorses.

Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo contains a balanced blend of essential oils for a synergistic and beneficial effect on the airways and improved elasticity of the pulmonary alveoli.

Citrus aurantiifolia, Eucalyptus globulus Labil, cypress and Glycyrrhiza glabra clear mucus from the airways, promote freer breathing, and neutralise free radicals.

The Daucus carota in Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo strengthens blood vessel walls and, together with Allium sativum and cypress, lowers the blood pressure to promote resistance and elasticity of the pulmonary alveoli.

Indication for use: 1/3 syringe for at least 6 days in a row. ½ syringe the day before the increased workload. ½ syringe on the day of the increased workload (or the evening before). Max 1 syringe per day.



Bronchix Pulmo

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Review Cavalor Bronchix Pulmo

Box with 6 syringes of 60cc

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