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Draw Reins

Draw Reins

€109,95Inkl. MwSt.

Herman Leather Oak with Solid brass hardware. 3/8 "x 15 ' Lesen Sie mehr..

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Draw reins by Berlin Custom Leather with Solid brass hardware, 3/8" x 15'.

Draw reins—and rein setups that provide similar action—are useful in schooling a horse, as long as he’s familiar with them and you’re educated on how to use them.

When you want to frame-up a horse, teach him to give at the poll, and help him drive from his hind end, draw reins can help. They can be used for all kinds of events, from reining to Western pleasure and even on trail horses that need some collection and control.

The timing of the release is the key to establishing your horse’s response to your cue. The horse gives and collects, and you release the pressure and repeat as needed.

Safety First!
Before you use draw reins, or any of the other similar setups shown here, check these points.

• Check your snaps. If the connections to the reins or anywhere else on the piece are rusty or don’t look reliable, replace them before using the piece of tack.

• Pay attention to your horse. If he’s never been confined in this manner, be careful with your hands and ready for his response. I always back my horses up a few steps from the ground to test their response before getting on to ride.

• Be prepared if he raises his head quickly, in an attempt to resist. Give him his head and take it back slowly.

• If you’re at all worried about using draw reins, seek help from a professional trainer.




Draw Reins

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Herman Leather Oak with Solid brass hardware. 3/8 "x 15 '

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